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Erne Tours Ltd
Terms and conditions

  1. We love running boat tours. You’d like a boat tour and love to see great things. Hooray – we can all go a boat tour!
  2. The weather and lough are in command, so we all need to respect and live with what they offer.
  3. If we need to change things for weather or safety reasons, we’ll try our best to tell you in advance and to run the tour for you.
  4. When things go wrong and it’s our responsibility, we’ll apologise and make it up to you. On the other hand, we can’t be held responsible for your errors.
  5. Erne Tours boats are happy places so there is zero tolerance for anti-social or offensive behaviour.
  6. Everything else is just common sense with a real emphasis on your safety and having a fantastic experience. We hope that sounds fair.

Booking and payment

  • All bookings are made online in advance at or by contacting Erne Tours directly.
  • Occasionally tickets may be available for sale at short notice. Payment will be through the booking system or can be paid via cash at the jetty / dock gate.
  • Full payment is made at the time of booking unless alternative arrangements or invoicing has been agreed.
  • Tickets are not transferable and are valid only for the date and time on the ticket.
  • When booking, please provide a contact mobile phone number (where possible) and an email address so that we can contact passengers to advise of any changes, delays or cancellations. It is the passenger’s responsibility to refer to the Erne Tours website or contact Erne Tours to ensure that their trip is going ahead as scheduled. When possible, Erne Tours will provide updates in advance of the tour dates.
  • Minimum passenger numbers apply to scheduled tours and minimum pricing applies to boat private hire and charters.
  • There is no minimum number for a private charter. Minimum pricing applies.
  • We reserve the right to cancel any sailing if minimum numbers are not achieved. We will refund the cost of your ticket should this occur.
  • Sailing times may alter from published times. Passengers will be contacted in advance of sailing to advise of changes.


  • Erne Tours Limited has zero tolerance for anti-social, racist, abusive or offensive behaviour to crew or passengers and anyone judged by the Skipper to conduct themselves in this manner will be removed from the boat at the nearest harbour and may be reported to the Police.
  • Passengers must be sufficiently agile to board our vessels unaided and be able to negotiate harbour steps and/ or ladders where required.
  • Children under 16 years of age must be booked by or accompanied by a responsible adult.
  • For safety reasons, and until further notice, we are unable to carry wheelchairs on any vessel.
  • In exceptional circumstances, (e.g. where passengers are in transit) bags, suitcases and luggage may be carried at the Skipper’s discretion.
  • On all voyages, passengers board and travel at their own risk.


  • Passengers must arrive at least 20 minutes prior to departure time and at the correct location.
  • No refunds will be provided to any passenger who fails to board on time and misses the boat.
  • Please allow plenty of time for travel through Enniskillen and car parking which can be congested at peak times.
  • A safety briefing will be given to all passengers prior to boarding. All safety instructions issued by the Skipper, Guides or Crew must be observed.
  • Lifejackets are provided and will be available in case of an emergency.

Conduct when on Board

  • Under Maritime Law, a Skipper is in command of a vessel and is the ultimate decision maker. The Skipper may not be the cox.
  • A Skipper may refuse permission to board for any passengers who, in the skipper’s judgement, appear unfit or unsuited to travel. Passengers under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances will be refused permission to board and will be ineligible for a refund.
  • Any passenger taking medication should disclose this to the Skipper where appropriate.
  • Alcohol is not permitted on board from passengers.
  • Smoking is not permitted on board.

Appropriate Dress

  • Passengers are advised to bring suitable clothing for tours. Passengers are advised that even when weather conditions are warm or hot on land, conditions on the lough can be significantly colder.
  • Weather conditions can change quickly and may result in passengers getting wet. Passengers should bring suitable protective clothing which can be stored on board. Appropriate footwear should be worn (e.g. flip flops and high-heel shoes are not suitable).
  • Erne Tours is not responsible for personal belongings that you take on board.
  • Erne Tours cannot be held responsible for any water damage that could occur to any equipment, clothing or personal items. We suggest that any such items is kept in a secure water-tight bag.

Departure and facilities

  • Passengers must follow all instructions and safety announcements from the Skipper or crew.
  • Our tours are accompanied by an experienced Guide.
  • Any passenger ignoring reasonable instructions from the crew, causing disturbance or being a safety risk to other passengers will be taken ashore and will not be eligible for a refund.
  • Passengers should remain seated at all times unless the crew advise of periods when careful movement around the vessel is permitted.
  • Passengers must exercise due care and attention to avoid slips and falls.

Tour conditions

  • Sightings of any particular species of wildlife cannot be guaranteed.
  • On all vessels and islands, there must be no disturbance to wildlife.
  • All litter must be retained and disposed of responsibly to the crew on board or on return to the mainland.
  • As weather conditions can change, trip routes and duration time may have to be altered, without notice, at the Skipper’s discretion. Refunds will not be payable in the case of an early return to shore. Erne Tours will however endeavour to fulfil the tour or a suitable alternative subject to ensuring safe passage for all passengers.

Devenish Island landings

  • Appropriate protective clothing should be worn for your time ashore as it can be cold and damp, with a wind chill. Bring sturdy footwear, sun lotion, drinking water and any refreshments you require.
  • For reasons of safety, passengers must have a reasonable level of fitness and mobility to embark and disembark at both the harbour and the landing steps.
  • There are toilets and shelter on Devenish Island.
  • Should a landing be deemed unsafe for any reason, then the boat will cruise around the Island if possible and the trip classed as a non -landing experience. An appropriate refund is given in these circumstances.

Cancellations by Erne Tours

  • Erne Tours reserves the right to cancel or alter the times of all boat trips, without notice.
  • This can be due to a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to: changing weather conditions; lack of minimum passenger numbers, unforeseen technical reasons.
  • If Erne Tours decides to cancel a trip for any reason then an alternative time, date or a full refund will be provided.

Passenger Cancellations

  • If a passenger cancels a trip, the following terms apply:
  • Passenger Cancellation Terms

All scheduled public tours

    1. 48 hours or less before departure – No refund
    2. Between 48 hours and 7 days before departure – 50% refund
    3. Over 7 days before departure – 100% refund

Private Hire and Charters

    1. 5 days or less before departure – No refund
    2. 6-10 days – 50% refund
    3. Over 10 days before departure – 100% refund